
Musique, danse, et spectacles toutes les soirées au Quartier Chinois de Montréal



Mando is not only a talented pop-rap artist but she’s also a DJ. She’s known to play Vinahouse which is a popular genre originating from Vietnam. Her other genres include Pop, HipHop and R&B.

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Nirandone is an 18 year old artist from Montreal who wants to bridge the east and the west together by applying the Lao language in his music to give exposure to his motherland country Laos.

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Kung Fu Demo (Shaolin)

Kung Fu Demo (Shaolin)

Traditional teachings have been handed down from generation to generation by Grand Masters since the 18th century. This knowledge finally reaching us thanks to GrandMaster Nam Anh, 9th dan red belt, and his schools around the world.

Demonstration Includes:

1 - Combination of forms based on animals (tiger, crane, dragon, ect.)

2 - Weapon mastery (staff, saber, double knives, ect.)

*all weapons are non-sharpened

3 - Combat / Exchange techniques between performers

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Hailing from Montreal, my interest in music started in my teenage years as soon as I knew what djing was. Ever since, my interest in the spheres of music have only grown from there. I like to mix a wide variety of genres, mostly EDM, hip-hop and R&B.

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Mando is a Vietnamese-Canadian rapper from Montreal, QC and Surrey BC, she's a rising star known for her energetic performances and unapologetic authenticity. Blending hyper pop with her unique rap style, Mando creates music that defies genres and captivates listeners. She is also an active DJ in Montreal, she brings the vibrant sounds of Vinahouse to the city. Mando recently performed at Canadian Music Week 2023, the largest music conference and showcase for Canadian artists. With upcoming releases this year, Mando is excited to share her artistry to the world.

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Tamiri is a 17 year old Vietnamese rapper born and raised in Montreal. He has been making music since he was 14 years old. He uses music as a form of therapy and mainly raps about heartbreaks and painful experiences he had to deal with throughout his life.

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Montreal Chan Lions Dance Club

Lion dance is a traditional Chinese dance performance in which two dancers work together in a stylized lion costume to move to the rhythm of the music. Lions are symbolic of wisdom and power in Chinese culture, and the purpose of the lion dance is to bring good fortune

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DJ Nino B2B Miggy

DJ Nino B2B Miggy

Gerald Nino is a 25 year old proven artist with a keen eye and whose passion runs deep throughout the city of Montreal.

Throughout his 6 year photographic tenure, his works demonstrates that he reigns in capturing moments whether it be during music events, urban settings and important editorials.

He believes in being More Than An Artist and rather settling as a photographer Gerald took it a step further by expanding his artistic skill set. The artist began his journey as a DJ in 2019 where he had the chance to perform in many venues such as Myst Club, Don B Comber, Joverse, Au Pied du Courant, Apt 200, SUWU and many more.

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E2W: Dance Group

E2W: Dance Group

East2West is a Montreal based K-pop cover performance crew which consists of the collaborative effort of more than 60 active, talented performers. With a common passion for performing, they strive to reach the same goal: to dance and sing while having fun!

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BambOo Hermann: DJ

BambOo Hermann: DJ

Bamboo Hermann s'est faite connaître dans la scène queer underground de Londres au début des années 2010. DJ résidente de plusieurs soirées londoniennes, elle se réinstalle en 2016 à Montréal où elle intègre rapidement la scène électro montréalaise en jouant entre autres aux festivals Slut Island, Mural et Fierté, au Datcha, au Piknic Electronik et à Igloofest. Ses sets sont un mélange de House classique, d'Afrobeat avec une touche de UK Bass, puisant directement dans l'énergie inclusive et festive des années queer et métissées de la House de la première heure."

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Zizhou Wang: Guzheng Instrumentalist

Zizhou Wang: Guzheng Instrumentalist

Zizhou Wang graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of Music majoring in Guzheng performance . After graduation, she became a director of the Jiangxi Provincial National Orchestra Association and a middle school orchestra coach. In Montreal, She is a Guzheng player in the Montreal Confucius School Chinese Orchestra and she has been invited to perform Guzheng in the Art Festival of Montreal-nord, Le Festival Des Traditions Du Monde de sherbrooke, Le Marché Asiatique Montréal, “Feng Hua Xue Yue”Montreal Chinese Culture Festival2023, COP15 performances and held a personal concert in February this year.

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